
Fig 1. Patrium Flask Reactor, for conversion of urine into flammable gases

In the past years, a wide range of organic compounds have been used as fuels, producing useful energy. Most of them are carbon compounds that have devastating effects on the environment and cause climatic disorders. 

This sparked some intense scientific investigations in search of cleaner fuel for the future. A fuel that is clean, green and renewable. It may seem surprising to think of urine as a fuel for the future but our studies and those from other laboratories around the world corroborates our findings.

You might be curious as to how it’s possible to make fuel from human waste. Yes, it is really possible given the unique characteristics of urine. Interestingly, urine is a plentiful liquid waste fluid produced by the body and discharged by it. It is composed of water, nitrogenous molecules such as urea, creatinine, and other metabolic waste components. Aside from water, the second primary element of urine is urea, which has four hydrogen atoms that are weakly linked to nitrogen compared to the hydrogen atoms in water molecules. 

Urine as a fuel for the future is one of the promising biotechnology options in a world transitioning away from fossil fuels. As a result, researchers have created an effective method of creating hydrogen from urine, an achievement that could not only fuel future cars but also help clean up municipal waste.

Is Urine a Potential Future Fuel Source?

Using urine as a fuel source is referred to as “Pee Power Technology” by some schools of thought. This technology has been studied by some research groups including scientists from the University of the West of England, Bristol, and the University of Oxfam. Also, by Professor Gerardine Botte of Ohio State University.

Urine is a form of energy source that will find a variety of applications and contribute to a greener world in the coming years. Did you know that the average individual passes out about 1 litre of urine daily? Multiply this by the current world population and see the amount of energy source that goes down the drain on a daily basis. Hence, potentially thinking of urine as a renewable fuel for the future is nothing but a welcome development.

Generation of Electricity Employing Indigenous Technology

Researchers have developed methods for generating electricity from urine, giving us a low-cost, renewable, and carbon-neutral energy source. One of these researchers is Ejikeme Patrick Nwosu of Lumos Laboratories Nigeria Limited. The technique used in Lumos Laboratories has the potential to make wastewater treatment simpler and less expensive, while also offering a plentiful source of locally generated power from urine. Using only indigenous technology, we were able to develop equipment that converts urine into hydrogen-ammonia rich combustible gases.

According to scientists, the applications of urine may be as limitless as its supply. As technology improves, they discover more and more ways to use this precious resource in order to achieve a golden age. Urine as a fuel for the future might have enormous environmental and public-health benefits if widely employed. Over one billion people throughout the world are still deprived of access to basic energy. Could urine-powered energy generation technologies be the answer? Without a doubt, it is. The prospect of creating technology that has the ability to improve the lives of individuals who do not have access to or cannot afford power is enthralling. 

Researchers should be applauded for the superb science and engineering that resulted in this unique accomplishment. However, if Pee Power’s commercialization efforts are successful, we may soon be generating our own local power needs simply by going to the bathroom, benefiting many people all over the world. As a result, adopting urine as fuel for the future is a method that will find various uses in years to come and will contribute to a greener and more sustainable environment. If you’ve experimented with urine as a source of energy, or if this article has motivated you to do so, we’d love to see your results.